DIY Elegant Wedding Decor Ideas


As quoted in Architectural Digest

Personalization in wedding decor is distinguished, sentimental, and an excellent way to incorporate unique touches into the most special day of a couple's life. Many couples fear the challenge of creating a unique wedding day that is both meaningful and elegant. However, many projects are DIY friendly. At Twickenham House and Hall, we’ve helped our brides incorporate their vision for a beautiful atmosphere and make the most of the big day while staying within budget.

Mirror Seating Chart Display

This year, royalty and Hollywood-inspired wedding aesthetics are trending, and we love it! The decor's glamor, elegance, and maximalism are perfect for the wedding world. In alignment with this aesthetic, our planners suggest creating an easy, budget-friendly seating chart with a mirror, printed papers, and wax seals. Brides can either upcycle a thrifted mirror or find affordable options at stores like Amazon, Sam's Club, or Costco. After you have a mirror that fits your elegant flare, you can print your seating chart on individual cards for each table, then seal them to the mirror with wax. Ultimately, the result is a stunning, expensive-looking functional element for wedding decor that doubles as a mirror for the couple's home.

Dried Flower Petals

Sentimental couples keep items significant to their story and romance throughout their relationship journey. For couples who keep old flowers, taking the petals and reusing them in the wedding ceremony or exit is a sentimental, full-circle, environmentally and budget-friendly option for the wedding day. Using the old petals, rather than having them sit in a jar at home, incorporates memorabilia from the couple's relationship journey on the most important day of their life. Likewise, with the floral expenses from the wedding party and table centerpieces, saving money on petals for the flower child or wedding exit is financially conscious. Ultimately, this little detail adds to the collection of items making the wedding day memorable and unique.

Themed Table Numbers

Creating table centerpieces and decor is a challenging task for many couples. However, making the table number a DIY project and adding personal elements is a timeless way to commemorate the couple and add unique touches to each table. Although endless options exist to personalize the table numbers, one crowd favorite is creating tables named after special places or events in couples' lives. From vacations to restaurants to college campuses, naming tables after the couple's love story creates a memorable wedding decoration that is functional, unique, and memorable to the couple and their guests. Each table number can include an image of the couple or souvenirs from their various locations. For couples creating the seating chart, they can sit their friends and family at the tables where the guests feel most connected to the location or who participated in the memories occurring there. Not only does this simplify the seating chart arrangements, but the attention to detail makes the guest feel valued in the wedding festivities.

Within the wedding process, creating DIY projects can feel daunting and overwhelming. However, with minimal skill or past experience, couples can make their dream wedding extra sentimental, recognizing their DIY projects in the event.

Our planners at Twickenham House and Hall are highly experienced in helping couples plan a unique and elegant wedding day. Speak with our team now to select your date and begin planning for your beautiful day!